What Brad Believes
God is good
- We live in the greatest country on the planet in the most blessed period of history.
- Individual Freedom is fundamental and endowed by God.
We Must Protect and Cherish Our Freedoms
- Political Freedom cannot exist, for long, without economic Freedom.
- The Free Market economy is the only system that supports personal Freedom and best meets human needs.
- Freedom persists only if National sovereignty and Fiscal Solvency are maintained.
- The Constitution empowers government while restraining it from the concentration and abuse of power. Article V is part of the Constitution.
- Quality education for all is a fundamental building block of a Constitutional Republic – “I know no safe depository of the
ultimate powers of society, but the people themselves and if we think them not
enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the
remedy is, not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by
education” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Purpose of Government
- Government’s primary purpose: safeguard freedom, maintain order & administer justice.
- U.S. Foreign Policy should be assessed on whether it serves the Nation’s just interest.
Pro Life with exceptions for rape, incest & the life of the mother
Pro Free Speech even when we don’t like or agree with what someone else is saying
Pro 2nd Amendment
Regardless of the Objective, Group Think, Intolerance for Individual Free Thinking, Unfounded Conspiracy Theories, Hate, and Authoritarianism ARE NOT American or Conservative.
Have Questions?
I’m not interested in playing politics or pursuing personal agendas. I believe in public service. Contact me with questions or concerns.